AIP Nightshade-Free Taco Seasoning

AIP Nightshade-Free Taco Seasoning

Ah, tacos…so delicious, yet so not AIP-friendly. Luckily, we have managed to create a taco seasoning blend that can help you enjoy your favorite recipes while following the autoimmune protocol.  The use of herbs traditionally used in Mexican cooking like oregano...
AIP/Paleo Sweet Potato Au Gratin

AIP/Paleo Sweet Potato Au Gratin

Potatoes au gratin typically means thinly sliced potatoes covered in a buttery cream sauce, topped with cheese and then baked until the top is a nice crispy brown. Sound delicious…ly not paleo at all? Yeah, exactly. That’s why I decided to come up with an...
The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) Diet 101

The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) Diet 101

The autoimmune protocol (AIP) diet was created by Dr. Sarah Ballantyne as one possible answer to battling autoimmune conditions. The basic function of the diet is to do three main things: reduce inflammation in the body, encourage a normal functioning of the immune...
AIP Paleo Shamrock Shake

AIP Paleo Shamrock Shake

Ah, the McDonald’s Shamrock Shake: first introduced 35 years ago in 1970, it appears that this is one of the most quintessential St. Patty’s Day treats. Unfortunately, like most fast-food treats, it is also probably one of the quintessential ways to drink your way...
AIP Paleo Coconut Fish Curry

AIP Paleo Coconut Fish Curry

This recipe stemmed from a deep, persistent craving that lives within me for Thai food and curry. I was sitting around one evening, thinking to myself how badly I was craving coconut curry soup and also how much I wanted seafood, and failing at finding any restaurant...

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